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What if you could build a mini-Netflix or Spotify for yourself? This is as close as it gets to passive income…

Netflix has 269 million subscribers, paying them $6.50-$15 on average.

What if you could have 100, 500, 1000 people paying you $10- $90 for you to teach them what you know and are good at? Yes, you could have your own mini-Netflix. 

And that’s at least $9000 a month! 

For most that’s enough to take care of their family, travel, pay off their mortgage and live life on their own terms.

Because if you’re anything like me you’re probably not in business for fancy cars or Rolex watches.

Sure, those things are nice. But you know what’s nicer?

To wake up relaxed, living a great life doing 
what you love.

❌ No stressful clients or bosses.
❌ No chasing sales all day.
❌ Or churning out a free online course every couple of months.


Inside the $10K Membership System, I’ll show you: 

Free Yourself From a 9-5 Job or Time-sucking Business in Just 3 Days:


Turn Your Passions & Skills Into a Passive $10K/Month Revenue Stream By Installing This Freedom Membership System With AI 

I’ll give you the exact roadmap I followed to build 5 membership sites into a $3M/year business & how 35,000+ entrepreneurs did it too 

- Back in 2013 I was burnt out selling my language courses, commuting to see clients across London and barely making ends meet.

- Out of pure desperation, I decided to package what I knew into a membership site.

- I focused on enrolling students and getting them results.

- 20 people signed on day 1 and I knew I was onto something.  

Fast-forward 10 years, I have over 5 membership sites generating $3M a year and it so far allowed me:

✓ Take holidays every couple of months 

✓ Live in 30+ countries

✓ Spent 4 years living in Bali

✓ Several months training as a samurai in Japan

✓ Traveling the world interviewing over 300 entrepreneurs

✓ Acquire property in Portugal

✓ Spend summers in South of Europe reading & enjoying food 

✓ Absolute freedom to do what I want & whenever I want 

You too can start building your Freedom Membership site! 

My $10k Membership Workshop will give you the templates and frameworks you need to follow.

After the Workshop, These Entrepreneurs Said:

Plus if you enroll today, I’ll help you make your membership AI-ready, with these tools:

What I discovered is that... 

A successful online membership is a true freedom accelerator. 

No more heavy pitches during webinars.

No more 24/7 selling and using sleazy marketing tricks.

No more chasing clients and selling time for money.

With a thriving online membership, just focus on enrolling students, making predictable sales, and living a fulfilling life.

How I went from selling my 1-2-1 English classes for $20 to $3M membership business

How one email got me the first 20 founding members

Why I picked such low pricing (the upgrading mindset method)

How I picked my niche

How I started with one video only

How my goal was to stop trading time for money 

How I worked with my founding members to define and perfect the membership offer

Why I brought a VA when I could barely afford it

The ikigAI Growth Tribe Is What You Need To Create a Recurring Revenue Business From What We Already Know and Like.

How I create additional products based on what the community wants

Why people stay in my community for so long (some have stayed for over 4 years!)

How I made the process of attracting new members evergreen

How I gathered a loyal community of 1,000 members who are willing to buy every new product I create … each month!

Join 35,000+ tribe of entrepreneurs, business owners & freelancers!

After the workshop, people said:



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the $10k Membership Workshop for?

This workshop is specifically designed for small business owners, coaches, consultants, course creators, authors, freelancers who want to package and sell what they know.

3. I don’t have any followers. Does it work in this case?

Absolutely! This workshop will help you pick your niche, get the first members and work with them to build your best-selling membership.

2. How is this different from other courses?

It’s not just a course - it’s a workshop. It’s an action plan, a video training with a step-by-step process that will help you create your membership site on the go!

4. Why is it worth it?

Think about it this way: if you create and grow a $49 membership as a result of this programme, you’ll only need 2 new members a month to cover the workshop cost. The rest is pure profit!

5. I’m super busy! Will I be able to manage it?

The workshop is very flexible and allows YOU to implement at your own pace.

You get LIFETIME access, so you can watch and rewatch the workshop as many times as you want.

6. I still have questions

Write an email to [email protected] and we’ll answer right away!


😱 Here’s a shocking truth:

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Get a Sneak Peek Inside The $10K Membership Workshop

35,000+ bought our courses:


How to leverage AI to become a one-man army

The lazy man’s way of building a simple but profitable AI business in 2024

A one-day workshop that’ll reveal the exact steps to having your own cashflow asset

✅ Advanced ChatGPT prompting (Call with experts #5)

✅ How to integrate GPT4 in your browser (Newsletter 23)

✅ Rarely used ChatGPT functions (Newsletter #19)

✅ and much more!

ChatGPT Insider Secrets

✅ Best AI tools for ad content and creation (Call with AI experts #2)

✅ The ‘Mega AI tool’ for content creation no one knows about (Call with experts #13)

✅ AI for your SEO workflow (Call with experts #10)

✅ 3 AI tools that make you viral on all social media platforms (Newsletter #41)

✅ How to create YouTube videos when you don’t have time (Newsletter #10)

✅ The new Canva Magic (Newsletter #33)

✅ and much more!

AI Content Creation

✅ AI tools for your workflow (Call with experts #12)

✅ Make your calendar and email work for you (Call with experts #14)

✅ Spend less time on Slack with AI (Newsletter #29)

✅ Get your emails organised fast (Newsletter #44)

✅ The two best AI meeting assistants (Newsletter #48)

✅ 4 ways to get unstuck with AI (Newsletter #7)

✅ and much more!

Productivity Machine AI Tools


Plus, so much more…

How to build your own “Netflix-model” asset and have recurring revenue every single month

Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

of people HATE their 9-5 jobs


small business owners suffer from burn-out & anxiety

I spent the past 12 years, living a stress-free life, optimized for freedom, travel and growth WHILE doing what I absolutely love - teaching people my passions & skills. 

I wasn’t born with specific talents BUT what I had was the absolute conviction that I wasn’t going to spend my life on a hamster-wheel of 9-5 or working for somebody else.

I wanted my freedom and I was going to build it…

And this is how the $10K Membership System was born! 

A passive membership site allows you to secure your freedom.

But to get there you’ll need to STOP selling your time for money.

Here’s what I mean: 

Yes, most jobs and businesses stop paying you the minute you stop working.

And this is why memberships are magic because you no longer sell your time - instead, you productize your knowledge and skills.


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee


How to Install 5 AI models without tech skills

How to Find the ultimate AI for any task 

How to Automate 90% of low-value tasks in your membership 

Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

Hey Freedom Entrepreneur,
Darius here...

I’m running two online education businesses with a combined revenue of over $3M. All of this success is thanks to my membership system and 35,000+ amazing students worldwide!

Memberships have been my growth engine. Once my first membership hit multiple six figures, I used that revenue to jumpstart the next one, creating a powerful cycle of growth and stability.

These memberships allow me to manage my businesses without the usual stress and anxiety.

Integrating AI into my companies doubled, even tripled our productivity and output. This technological edge has enabled me to trade in the daily grind for a dream life traveling the world.

Inside the $10K Membership System, you’ll find all my secrets, templates, and step-by-step processes to make your first membership site a reality in just a few weeks!

35,000+ Happy Buyers:


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

But what if I don't have a million followers, a huge email list, or advanced tech knowledge?

The fact is that you don’t need any of those to get started.

I started my membership with just 100 people on my email list by sending out just 1 email, which got me my first 20 subscribers.

In fact, my site had only ONE video in the beginning!

I've found a simple way to:

1. Pick a niche and package what you know.
2. Launch your membership to a small group of people - with just 1 video on your site.
3. Begin generating recurring sales!

The best part: once you have a small pool of members, they become your loyal tribe of buyers.

Buying everything else you create next…

And giving you the freedom to do what you love.

After all, this is the model Netflix, Spotify, and Headspace used to build billion-dollar companies in just a few years.

I have included their strategies inside the training. You’ll learn how to gather a tribe of buyers HAPPILY paying you each month.


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

The $10K Membership System



Build a $10k/mo Membership With Our Proven Step-by-step plan:

 Module 1: 4 Steps to a Solid Membership Offer

✅ Module 2: 3 Strategies to Launch Your Membership

✅ Module 3: Grow Your Membership Machining Tools

✅ Bonus 1: Behind the scenes: Tech Walk-Through 

✅ Bonus 2: Name Your Membership Worksheet

✅ Bonus 3: 5 Questions Framework

✅ Bonus 4: Q&A session, where you can find your questions answered!

Get Your Membership AI-Ready:

5 Top Secret Cheat Sheets that break down the 5 Big AI Models 

A 63-minute training on how to choose the right AI model for every task in your business 

The AI Delegation Dashboard lets you quickly deploy the right AI for the right task


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

Get The $10K Membership System! 🔥

Limited Time Sale – 80% OFF

35,000+ Happy Buyers:


35,000+ People Bought & Loved our AI products:



Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

Here’s everything you'll get when you get the $10K Membership System:

MODULE 1: 4 Steps to a Solid Membership Offer

✓ The Passionate Audience Framework (pick your niche)

✓ The Membership Model Framework (pick your membership site model)

✓ The Pricing Framework (price your membership)

✓ The Irresistible Offer Framework (craft your offer)

Module 2: 3 Strategies to Launch Your Membership

✓ The Founding Members Strategy (for people with small/existing lists)

✓ The Zero Audience Launch Strategy (for people just getting started)

✓ The Content-Lite Framework (launch with minimal video content)

Module 3: Scale Your Membership
✓ Building Your Membership with Founding Members 

(the no-stress way to create content)

✓ Scaling Your Membership (pick one vehicle to your goals)

✓ The Lifetime Value Formula (keep serving your members and get paid even more)
Everything is delivered in workshop style, covering step by step what you need to do.

Bonus #1: Behind the scenes - Tech Walk-Through  (Kajabi/ChartMogul/Stripe) (follow along training).

Bonus #2: Name Your Membership Worksheet (so you make naming simple).

Bonus #3: 5 Questions Frameworks

Bonus #4: A Q&A session, where you can get your questions answered!


Plus if you enroll today, I’ll help you make your membership AI-ready, with these tools:

5 Top Secret Cheat Sheets that break down the 5 Big AI Models

A 63-minute training on how to choose the right AI Model for your business

The AI Delegation Dashboard

Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

The $10K Membership System



Build a $10k/mo Membership With Our Proven Step-by-step plan:

 Module 1: 4 Steps to a Solid Membership Offer

✅ Module 2: 3 Strategies to Launch Your Membership

✅ Module 3: Grow Your Membership Machining Tools

✅ Bonus 1: Behind the scenes: Tech Walk-Through 

✅ Bonus 2: Name Your Membership Worksheet

✅ Bonus 3: 5 Questions Framework

✅ Bonus 4: Q&A session, where you can find your questions answered!

Get Your Membership AI-Ready:

5 Top Secret Cheat Sheets that break down the 5 Big AI Models 

A 63-minute training on how to choose the right AI model for every task in your business 

The AI Delegation Dashboard lets you quickly deploy the right AI for the right task


Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

Get The $10K Membership System! 🔥

Limited Time Sale – 80% OFF


The magical thing about this $10K Membership System is that it works in any niche:

✓ Coaches

✓ Business owners

✓ Consultants

✓ Therapists 

✓ Fitness experts

✓ Creators

✓ Marketing experts

✓ Copywriters

✓ Financial advisors

✓ Health experts

✓ Authors 

✓ Thought-leaders

✓ Teachers

✓ Healers

Risk free 14-day money-back guarantee

There’s no way out?